Among the information available about the book, title, author, publishing house, cover, language and source are indicated.

You must be able to buy, borrow or consult a digital book with full knowledge of the facts, therefore being able to access a minimum of information such as the title of the book, the person(s) who contributed to it, the publishing house which published it (or the indication of self-publishing), a visual, the main language of the text and the identifier of its possible original manifestation (for example, the equivalent physical version).


  • Improve the discoverability of the book
  • Limit the risk of complaints


    Associate the information with the book Include the information on the book’s presentation page


  • Check:
    • The presence of a title
    • The presence of the author
    • The presence of a cover visual
    • The presence of a main language
    • If applicable, the identifier of the original physical version


  • Needs to be human verified.

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About that rule

Rule origin : Sne | Opquast reference 0000 | Updated on July 8, 2024

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