The scripts are minified.
- Rule n° 068
- Performances
Minification consists of reducing as much as possible a volume of data and therefore the weight of the carrying file by removing elements that the reading machine can do without (typically: spaces, line breaks and comments). JavaScript files can be minified.
- Minimize the amount of data to download
- Improve performance
- Reduce the energy impact linked to consulting the digital book
- Remove unnecessary spaces and comments in JavaScript files using dedicated tools
- Manually check within all JavaScript files that no line returns, comments, indentations or line breaks are present.
- Or identify the list of non-minified JavaScript files using development tools (browsers , online tools, etc.)
- Needs to be human verified.
Informations :
Tags :
references :
- HTTPS sustyweb #minify your HTML css and javascript
- HTTPS uploads tx gspublication consultation referentiel ecoconception services numeriques 091023.pdf (6.5 le service numérique a t il mis en place DES techniques de compression sur la totalité DES ressources transférées dont il a le contrôle ?)
metadata :
About that rule
Rule origin : Opquast | Opquast reference 4 223 | Updated on July 8, 2024