Styles do not justify text.

Text justification is often very pretty, especially on paper. Unfortunately, too few reading systems allow it to be deactivated and several studies have shown that it makes digital reading more difficult for many audiences such as dyslexics.


  • Make it easier to read on screen, particularly for people with dyslexia.
  • Improve the accessibility of content for people with disabilities.


    Do not use the CSS property text-align with the value justify, or any other equivalent.


  • Check the CSS code for the absence of text-align rules: justify.
  • Check the HTML code for the absence of attributes HTML align=justify.


  • Needs to be human verified.

Informations :

Steps concerned :

references :

metadata :

  • ONIX
  • OPF

About that rule

Rule origin : Opquast | Opquast reference 4 186 | Updated on July 22, 2024

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