Animations, sounds and flashes can be paused.
- Rule n° 032
- Images and media
Allow the user to pause animated gifs, jingles, sound or visual animations
- Let the user control the animations when viewing content.
- Allow step-by-step consultation of sequential animations or sound content.
- Making content accessible to people with disabilities
- For visual animation lasting > 5 seconds or sound lasting > 3 seconds, systematically provide the multimedia object with the necessary control means: start, stop, mute or volume. Do not use animated graphics that are not controllable or partially controllable by the user (animated gif images in particular).
In the OPF metadata, indicate this metadata:noFlashingHazardnoMotionSimulationHazardnoSoundHazard
- In each page containing a visual animation or sound: Check the possibility of stopping the animation, sound or flashing (pause, restart, sound volume if applicable).
- Needs to be human verified.
Informations :
Steps concerned :
Tags :
metadata :
- OPF [schema accessibilityHazard noFlashingHazard chema:accessibilityHazard noMotionSimulationHazard schema:accessibilityHazard noSoundHazard]
About that rule
Rule origin : Opquast | Opquast reference 4 121 | Updated on September 18, 2024