Each audio and video content is accompanied by its textual transcription.
- Rule n° 027
- Images and media
Audio and video content must be accompanied by a textual transcription of the sounds and dialogues.
- Provide users with a text transcription as an alternative.
- Allow indexing and searching by the reading application's search engine.
- Allow translation using linguistic tools.
- Accompany each audio content with a transcription: Either complete (containing the words and a description of the sounds necessary for understanding); Either synthetic (but reflecting all of the information). The transcription can: Appear on the page where the audio content is located; Or be immediately accessible via a link on the page where the audio content is located.
- Identify each page containing multimedia content and, in the immediate context of each audio content, ensure the presence of a transcription or a link giving immediate access to it.
- Needs to be human verified.
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About that rule
Rule origin : Opquast | Opquast reference 4 116 | Updated on September 18, 2024