Digital book reading devices often allow synthetic voice reproduction and some users with disabilities use screen readers to obtain alternative audio or tactile reproduction. In these two cases, textual alternatives to the images are reproduced, which can confuse understanding or become annoying in the case of images for decorative purposes. To avoid making the reading cumbersome, it is necessary to correctly inform the decorative function.
Prevent users placed in contexts where images are not perceptible (synthetic voice, screen reader or immersive reading) from being disturbed by unnecessary information.
Provide crawlers with only relevant information.
Improve the accessibility of content to people with disabilities.
Improve the consideration of content by search engines and indexing tools
Give each decorative img element an empty alt attribute (alt=).
Give each decorative element an attribute (role=presentation)
Check the arguments of images that do not convey information necessary for understanding. This can be done in the code or using the table of images available in the ACE report