The identity of the author, company or organization is indicated.

In many countries this is a legal requirement. But beyond local legal aspects, it is good for a person to vouch for the content of the site and for this person to be identified.


  • Allow users to unambiguously identify a physical contact capable of answering any questions about the content offered, or of assuming responsibilities linked to this content.
  • Reassure the user by allowing them to directly identify the author (in the broad sense).
  • Limit the risks of distrust.
  • Improve the way content is taken into account by search engines and indexing tools


    The name and address of the publishing house is written in an identified section The name of the publishing house is indicated in the OPF file using the dc:publisher element The name of the publishing house is indicated in the ONIX file



  • Needs to be human verified.

Informations :

Steps concerned :

references :

metadata :

  • ONIX
  • OPF

About that rule

Rule origin : Opquast | Opquast reference 4 096 | Updated on September 18, 2024

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